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"Factory Rules poster" [NMLH.2022.137]

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Factory Rules


A large cream cardboard poster with black text. Text reads: "FACTORY RULES / 1. Anyone washing himself, or preparing to lave work, before the Whistle blows, will be fined 6d. / 2. Anyone leaving his gas burning, or his gas stove alight, will be fined 6d. for each offence. 3/ 3. Wages will be paid on Fridaty, after work, except to such men as may be discharged . Men leaving of their own accord will be paid at the usual pay time on Friday. / 4. No spirits or alcoholic drink will be allowed on the premises. Any one breaking this rule will be fined 2s. 6d. / 5. Anyone seen smoking on the poremises will be fined 6d. first offence, and 1s. for each time so offending afterwards. / 6. Anyone striking another will be fined 5s. (first blow), and if the man who is struck returns the blow he will be fined 2s. 6d. / 7. Anyone larking or throwing missiles, or annoying any women, will be fined 1s. / 8. Anyone not returning tools or patterns that he may borrow will be fined 6.d / 9. No tools to be taken out without a pass by anyone, and to be inspected at the gate. Anyone breaking or attempting to break this rule will be fined 1s. / 10. Anyone willfully damaging or defacing any piece of work, tools, or machinery, or making use of them for an improper purpose will be fined 5s. / 11. Anyone absenting himself from work for two consecutive days (of the week) without reporting himself or having previous permission from his Foreman, will be liable to be discharged. / 12. No one is allowed to leavr the Factory during working hours without a pass from his Foreman. / 13. Each workman employed will be paid as much as his employers think he is worth, without referene to any rule or custom they may have among themselves, and each Tinman will be paiod at the rate of 30s. p-er week until he proves his ability to earn a higher rate, according to the acknowledged time allowed on the work done here, but it must be distinctly understood they are not to get behindhand with their work, and that in the event of any of them being more than 25s. in arrear, we shall pay ourselves from such excesses from their wages. We agree to pay any Tinman who may leave the balance (not exceeding £2) which may stand to his credit in our books at any time, and we shall expect to be paid for any amount which may be due to us from any Tinman at the time of his leaving our employ. / 14. Every man over 21 years of age employed in this Factory, and whose rate of wages is not less than 18s. per week, shall belong to the Sick Society, and be bound by its rules. / 15. All fines inflicted under the above rules shall go to the Sick Funds / W. PARKINSON & CO., Cottage Lane, City Road, E.C."
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