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"NALGO 1905-1993 88 Years Of Fighting For A Fairer Society badge" [NMLH.2010.2.30]

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NALGO 1905-1993 88 Years Of Fighting For A Fairer Society

National and Local Government Officers' Association (NALGO)

Square metal pin badge with a collage of images in green, yellow, blue, orange and white. At the centre is a tree with "NALGO 1905-1993" in an orange bubble. Inside the leaves of the tree are icons of a book, a lightning bolt, a graduation cap, a pen, two pound coins, and a clipboard. Below the tree is a ballot box with a slip being posted. To the left is an ambulnce on a road, and a large building in the background. To the right is a double decker bus on a road. To the left of the tree is bright sunshine, while to the right is a starry night sky, representing the working around the clock of the trade union's workers.

NALGO refers to National and Local Government Officers' Association, the trade union representing local government workers.

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