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"banner, Tea Operatives and General Labourers Association, The Original Banner" [NBS I/D 969]

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Catalogue Number
NBS I/D 969

Object Name

Original Banner - TEA OPERATIVES AND GENERAL LABOURERS ASSOCIATION - A Registered Protective Union for General Labourers. ALL GENERAL AND DOCK LABOURERS JOIN AT ONCE and Defend the Rights of Manhood in a Practical and Direct Manner. CONTRIBUTIONS 2D...

London & England & UK

Great Dock Strike

circa 1889

NBS National Museum of Labour HistoryNBS T&GWU

This banner was used througout the Great Dock Strike of 1889. Ben Tillett, the leader of the dockers, wrote of "our old dockers' banner, a linen sheet on which was thickly painted in black the name of our organisation".

Later, the banner was sewn onto a silk banner bearing, on the reverse side, a portrait of Tillett with an inscscription commemorating the strike.

Materials: Paint on linen.

NMLH.1996.64.TGWU.1r(low).jpg (image/jpeg)

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