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"'Ask about my pronouns' Pronouns badge" [NMLH.2020.11.13]

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'ask about my pronouns'

White circular badge reading 'ask about my pronouns'.

Pronoun badges are used to indicate how people should refer to you in conversation. Using the right pronouns for a person is important, and this can be significant for transgender and nonbinary people, or other gender nonconforming people. The most commonly used pronouns in English are he/him, she/her or they/them. Other people might use a mixed set like she/they. Some transgender and nonbinary people don't feel that pre-existing pronouns express their gender accurately and have developed neopronouns like zie/zir as alternatives.

A person might use a badge saying 'ask about my pronouns' if they use different pronouns at different times depending on presentation, or if they only use specific pronouns with specific people. For example, Davie uses he/him pronouns at work but zie/hir pronouns with hir friends. Having a badge saying 'ask' allows Davie to choose what pronouns zie feels comfortable using in each situation.
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