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"The Problem That Has No Name Poster" [NMLH.1994.168.428]

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The Problem That Has No Name

Victor Leblem, Dr. Spock, Betty Friedan, Poster Film Collective

Women's Liberation Movement

"THE PROBLEM THAT HAS NO NAME" in medium black text in upper left corner of poster on white background. In smaller black text to the right reads "WOMEN AND POST-WAR AMERICAN CONSUMER SOCIETY". Below these titles in small black text are two paragraphs describing the consumer culture and economic ideals of post-war America.

4 small graphics of TV's below title show "THE WORLD OF...""MILITARY" with a photo of two military leaders in the TV screen, "...POLITICS" with a photo of John. F. Kennedy, "...TECHNOLOGY" with a photo of a technition in a computer room, and "...PRODUCTION" with a photo of an automobile being built.

The middle of the poster has a peach-colored background with a large graphic image of a woman holding a pan over the stove smiling at the viewer, and a silloute of the back pf a man walking away from the viewer.

Below main images is 4 more graphics of TV's but with all 4 of these screens containing images of various 'womenly' 'jobs' and 'activities' such as looking glamourous, getting married, taking care of a child, working as a nurse.

At the very bottom in small black text are two more paragraphs describing the idea of 'women's biological roles' in society and when women began to discuss the problem of this was the beginning of The Women's Liberation Movement.

Printed by Flypress and Badger.
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