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"Britain needs socialism poster" [NMLH.1994.168.476]

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For full employment Britain needs socialism

around 1980

"For full employment Britain needs socialism" poster, around 1980 This poster argues that the cure for unemployment is socialism. During the 1970's and 1980's Britain was going through an unemployment crisis and a lot of political parties used the issue of jobs as an election pledge. On the poster the Communist Party suggest nationalising industries and introducing a 35 hour week to combat unemployment. The poster features a black and white photograph of workers standing on a picket line and smiling. It has a pink background with black text. Words at the the top of the photograph read "For full employment" whilst words at the bottom read "Britain needs socialism". Black text at either side of the photo outlines reasons for unemployment and how the Communist Party suggest combatting it. At the bottom of the poster there is an image of protestors calling for more josbs. They are holding signs and placards that read "They use us then dump us, fight back!", "Our Jobs, your fight!", and "Your country needs you on the dole". The poster was printed by Farleigh Press and published by the Communist Party of Great Britain. The photographs used are courtesy of the Morning Star newspaper.
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