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"Original drawing by Renzo Galeotti - "woman unity"" [NMLH.1994.168.144.1]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name

Woman Unity

Renzo Galeotti


Large drawing by artist Renzo Galeotti. The title of the piece is "women unity." There is a drawing with biro, pencil and watercolour. This drawing is of two figures facing each other, with their faces overlapping and their noses connecting; it is almost like a mirror reflection drawing. Both their hair is long, and they are connected by the same neck. The drawing shows the arms and hands, with the hands clenched into fists. In the centre of the stomach there is a large black circle, filled with black water colour. In white writing it says "UNITY", and above this there is a drawing of two hands interlocked. On the bottom right of the poster it says "R. Galeotti." On the back reverse inscription, it says "Women unity" and an address. The circle in the stomach, with the hands and "unity" represents a womb. Renzo Galeotti is a painter, known for his work on Communist thinker Antonio Gramsci and author and holocaust-survivor Primo Levi - fourteen of his etchings are exhibited in the Auschwitz Museum and three of his paintings are in Krakow Jagiellonskiego Museum's European Master's collection. He has written in Marxism Today. This image represents unity and solidarity. .
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