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"Trade union strength is women power poster" [NMLH.2022.9]

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Vakbondskracht is vrouwen macht


Small poster featuring an illustration of a woman in comic book fashion. The woman is depicted with a clenched fist whilst a speech bubble coming from her mouth reads "Vakbondskracht is Vrouwen Macht" (English: Trade union strength is women power) In the bottom left corner of the poster there is a smaller illustration of a man saying "Ach, Zo'n vrouwtje wil ook wel eens wat bij- verdienen nietwaar?" with a crowd responding "Kopdicht!" (English: Well, a woman like that wants to earn some extra money, doesn't she? / Shut up!) The poster was produced by the Dutch Trade Union Federation (FNV), specifically the woman's branch. The poster was designed by Mariet Numan.
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