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"May Day poster" [NMLH.2022.34]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name

1 Maggio

May Day


This poster is part of a collection of 100 posters designed by Ettore Vitale for the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) between 1973 and 1991. The posters promote a range of events and campaigns using the colours of the Italian flag- red, white, and green, along with motifs of roses, rainbows, and stars. This poster uses the colours brown, yellow, and blue to resemble hills and sky against which is the cover of a magazine with text on it: "Un impegno di progresso: efficaci riforme sociali, per rinnovare la republica " (English: A commitment to progress: effective social reforms, to renew the republic) large black text reads "1 Maggio 1991" 1 May is May Day in Italy and across Europe. The top of the poster reads "Unita Socialista / La Storie e l'avvenire" (English: Socialist unity / history to the future)
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