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"Women in action for peace leaflet" [NMLH.2022.228]

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Nuclear Weapons


An A4 booklet cover featuring a cartoon of a women snapping a missile in half over her knee. The booklet is titled 'Nuclear Weapons' and was produced by Women in Action for Peace in 1981.

The inner page of the booklet displays a contents page however the contents of the booklet are missing. Black text reads: "Introduction 1/ Nuclear Weapons 2/Our image of the enemy 7/ Why does the (nuclear) arms race continue 8/ Is there any point to the peace movement? 21/ What can you yourself do? 25"

The back page of the booklet reads: "This brochure has been prepared for the workshop 'Women Against Nuclear Weapons' in The Netherlands by: Nini Alkemande, Truus Divendal, Sonja van der Gaast, Ria Weel / It presents information for discussion and action, and appeals especially to women. Although it starts from the situation in the Netherlands, the scope of this brochure is believed to be relevant for other countries as well. / Cartoons: Len Munnik, Opland and Irene Jonkhart - Layout: Nini Alkemade - Translated by: Karel Koster / Reproduction Permitted"

The back of the booklet has the logo for Women Against Nuclear Weapons Nethererlands, including venus symbols with a raised fist. The bookley was printed in 1981 in Utrecht.
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