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"A tragic alternative poster" [NMLH.2022.134.10]

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un'alternativa tragica: vincere o morire

Pietro Nenni


This poster is the 10th in a collection of posters about Pietro Nenni, an Italian socialist politician who was also the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and a lifetime Senator since 1970. This poster is titled: "A tragic alternative: win or die" and features two photographs and a picture of an ID card. Text underneath the image explains the context: "Above Pietro Nenni with De Rosa during the defense of Madrid in 1936. In the center, also in Spain, with Luigi Longo. Below, a card issued to Nenni, inspector of the international brigades." whilst text to the side of the images reads: " The storm that blows over Spain is one that decides, for long years, the destinies of a people. Defeated on the electoral and political level, attacked in its privileges on the social level, the Spanish reaction launched into the civil war, its supreme hope. It made a blockade behind the sectarian generals and fascist phalanxes, attacking the legal power and the blockade of the popular and proletarian forces around the Popular Front government. Thus it plays its last card, in a struggle in which the tragic and sublime alternative is placed at the two blocks: to win or to die. If the reaction wins, it is the old Spain of the priests, of the military, of the nobles that will install itself in power. If the Revolution wins, it is the Spain of the workers, the socialist and proletarian Spain, which will take the reins of power, to hold them with an iron fist and end it, once and for all, with military pronouncements, with fascist attacks, with clerical and monarchical conspiracies." (all text translated from Italian)
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