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"The end of the war and end of fascism poster" [NMLH.2022.134.12]

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L'anno della fine della guerra e del fascismo

Pietro Nenni


This poster is the 12th in a collection of posters about Pietro Nenni, an Italian socialist politician who was also the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and a lifetime Senator since 1970. This poster is titled "The end of the war and end of fascism" and features a documentgiven to Nenni during his time in Rome and a photo og him shortly after news of Rome's liberation. Text accompanying the images reads: "Above, a document issued by the allied control commission to the journalist Pietro Nenni. Below a photo of Nenni at the Matteotti celebration in the days immediately after the liberation of Rome. Meanwhile Sandro Pertini had been sent, as PSI secretary for Upper Italy, to represent the Party in the partisan struggle." whilst text to the side of the photos reads: "On 10 June 1944 on the Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia, where Matteotti was kidnapped, Nenni gave his first speech in liberated Rome. Thousands of Romans participate in the spontaneous demonstration, although there was a prohibition by the allies. Nenni recalls the state crime of 10 June 1924 accusing Mussolini and the king: "the Monarchy is dead, even if the Republic is not yet born". It was the year of the liberation of Milan and the North, the year of the end of the war and of fascism. A year made memorable by the presence and participation of the partisans in the definitive defeat of Nazi-fascism on our territory. Without the presence, the initiative, the participation of the partisans, without the partisan blood, Italy would have been not only a heap of ruins, but a heap of ruins without a soul and without a voice. The partisan movement gave the nation a soul, just as the Resistance had given it a voice " (all text translated from Italian)
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