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"The damage of division poster" [NMLH.2022.134.16]

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il danno irreparabile delle scissioni

Pietro Nenni


This poster is the 8th in a collection of posters about Pietro Nenni, an Italian socialist politician who was also the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and a lifetime Senator since 1970. This poster is titled "The irreparable damage of divisions" and features a photograph of Nenni with the first elected deputy of Italy. Text underneath reads: "From 8 to 13 January 1947, the 24th National Congress of the Party took place in Rome, which takes the name of PSI. Giuseppe Saragat, who leads the minority opposed to the pact of unity with the communists, abandons the PSI and establishes the PSU in Palazzo Barberini which will later become PSDI. Nenni is confirmed as Party President. The proper of the splits Nenni declares many years later - Whoever stays in the old party or whoever leaves it to join the new one remains, for better or worse, in the battle. But whoever, out of mistrust, follows neither one nor the other is almost inevitably lost. This happened in '47, although we recovered fairly quickly from the split. As for autonomy, it was immediately the main victim of the split. Autonomy is also a problem of strength. We socialists found ourselves weakened in relation to the communists after the split. It benefited the Christian Democrats and the Communist Party beyond what they themselves wished and damaged the socialist parties and their very autonomy." and the image caption reads: "In the photo above Nenni, Deputy Prime Minister in the 2nd De Gasperi Government" (all text translated from Italian)
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