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"The drama of wasted possibilities poster" [NMLH.2022.134.24]

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il dramma delle possibilità sprecate

Pietro Nenni


This poster is the 24th in a collection of posters about Pietro Nenni, an Italian socialist politician who was also the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and a lifetime Senator since 1970. This poster features two large photographs of Pietro Nenni and other officials. Text to the right reads: "The theory of power, which the Party has been developing in recent years, albeit in a fragmentary and unsystematic form, is not that of violent conquest and party hegemony and dictatorship, it is not that of a frontal assault on the State, in forms it has taken after decades of democratic struggles and workers, but it is that of external and internal mass and parliamentary action to prevent the State from being monopolized in the exclusive defense of bourgeois and capitalist interests and to transform it from an instrument of conservation of what is old and transient in society into an instrument of liberation of what is it sprouts there again ...That is, the center-left must be able to tell the country how things stand and which abuses or privileges will be affected, what sacrifices they will be required to overcome the unfavorable situation and relaunch the economy with criteria that constitute for everyone a guarantee of work and safety, of well-being in the next phase. Bringing the workers and the whole nation to a modern and democratic level of development: this is what we want. If I had to say in one sentence what struck me most in my long life as a fighter and militant I would say is the drama of wasted possibilities, of the things that could be done in the sense revolutionary and in the sphere of life: democratic and they were not made for an infinite number of reasons, each of which was right in and of itself, but which often ended up becoming an alibi in order to discard possible things and replace them with the intoxicating vision of more beautiful and more radical, but impossible things. Let us not repeat that mistake, comrades, we do, or try to do, as far as we do what is necessary and possible today. It will be a contribution made to the democratic advancement of the country and to the defense and advancement of workers, it will be a step that will accredit us with ever wider classes of the people worker to reach the goal of our life: the workers in power for the construction of socialism " and the image caption reads: "In the photos: Nenni con Moro taking the oath of office for the first center-left government in December 1963" (translated from Italian)
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