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"The season of socialist unification poster" [NMLH.2022.134.27]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name

La stagione dell'unificazione socialista

Pietro Nenni


This poster is the 27th in a collection of posters about Pietro Nenni, an Italian socialist politician who was also the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and a lifetime Senator since 1970. The title of the poster reads "The season of socialist unity" and features two photographs of Nenni adressing a large crowd. Text underneath reads: "In view of the 36th National Congress of the PSI, held in Rome in November of 1965, the Avanti! publishes the «<< Letter to the comrades» by Pietro Nenni on the ideological revision of the concepts of state, class, and revolution, postulating the problem of socialist unification, elaborated by the PSI-PSDI joint commission chaired by Nenni. on October 30, the Constituent Assembly for the unification of the PSI with the PSDI takes place. "Socialist unification, he had before him a huge task in itself. It was necessary not to waste time and instead a lot of it was lost. Unification had to be done a fact of the people, instead it remained a matter of apparatuses. In spite of this, the Constituent Assembly of unification had a very wide echo. The press spoke of triumph. Except that the Tarpeian Rock was one step away and from this we precipitate in the space of suns three years. We presented ourselves badly in the elections of '68 and we lost them. We failed to give wings to the DC alternative policy until in the summer of 69, we had a new split ".In 1969, in fact, the social democratic component he detaches himself from the party again. Pietro Nenni, remains in his home as always." and the image caption reads: "In the photo above, Pietro Nenni's speech to the Constituent Assembly for socialist unification, on 30 October 1966. Below, Nenni at a meeting of the Central Committee in those years." (all text translated from Italian)
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