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"Pietro Nenni portfolio - part five: Pietro Nenni's membership in the socialist party" [NMLH.2022.134.5]

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Pietro Nenni portfolio - part five: Pietro Nenni's membership in the socialist party

Pietro Nenni


This poster is part of a portfolio about Pietro Nenni. This is the fifth part. There is a small red number four on the top right of the page, indicating this is the fifth poster in the portfolio.This poster has a black text title in Italian - the English translation of this is "Pietro Nenni's membership in the socialist party." Underneath this title there are four black and white photographs, some of Nenni on his own and others of him in a wider group. The bottom right of the poster has red text in Italian explaining the photographs; the English translation of this is as follows "
in the photo above, nenni with turati and other companions in 1925 and in the center two images of pietro Nenni before the exile. Below nenni at the XX congress of the PSI in April 1923 Milan." The right hand side of the poster has a block of black text in Italian. Translated to English, this reads, "“In 1918 after the rout of Caporetto, Nenni asked to return to the front line where he remained up to Vittorio Veneto. He then moved on to the Milan newspaper «Il Secolo»>, of which he became editor, which sent him as a special envoy to Paris, Brussels, Vienna, Constantinople: it was «a healthy look at the world». At the end of 1920, after the XIV Congress of the Republican Party, he resigned from this party, considering it incapable of adhering to the new demands of the working masses. In 1921, he joined the Socialist Party, << of which I could have said, paraphrasing Goethe: I know all your shortcomings, but I also know what's good in you. It is March 23: the same day a fascist squad attacks the Avanti! On April 19, his signature appears for the first time in the socialist newspaper. He is sent to Paris as a correspondent. In 1922, after the march on Rome, he was arrested twice and sentenced to 6 months in prison. In April 1923 he took over the management of the Avanti! After the assassination of Matteotti, in 1924, he asked for the resignation of the government with an article in the socialist newspaper. In 1926 «Il Quarto Stato >>>> was published in Milan directed by Nenni and Carlo Rosselli. On November 13 of that year he went underground in Switzerland and then in Paris: "the choice was to offer his wrists to the handcuffs or to win Switzerland and France and resume and continue the struggle there". These were the years in which he became director of the «Nuovo Avanti!», Secretary of the Socialist Party, member of the executive of the International.”
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