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"Chile film poster" [NMLH.1992.409.12.69]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name

Chile Hasta Cuando?

Quentin Given

Chilean Coup; Founding of FPMR

Poster advertising a premiere of a video made during disturbances in Chile, titled "Chile Hasta Cuando?", meaning "Chile Even When?" (translation by Google Translate).

The poster is A4 sized, with a white background and black text, except for two bands of black: one near the top, featuring the words "Hasta Cuando?" in white text; and one near the bottom, broken into two sections with the centre featuring the letters FPMR, with the top of the F being made from an image of a rifle. The event being advertised featured two speakers, Quentin Given, the National Secretary of the Chile Solidarity Camapign, and a visiting representative of the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR).

The FPMR were a Chilean revolutionary guirilla organisation, aiming for the overthrow of the Pinochet regime. The organisation was a paramilitary force, organised by the Communist Party of Chile. They were founded in 1983.
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