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"Concert for Chile programme and poster" [NMLH.1992.409.12.105]

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A concert for Chile / History Is Ours, For it is Made By the People

Quilapayun; Roy Bailey

Chilean Coup

Fold-out poster featuring a quote from Allende, with a programme for A Concert for Chile on the other side.

The poster side features an illustration of a crowd marching in hills with a Chilean flag. Below is a quote from Salvador Allende, the President of Chile who was overthrown by Pinochet's military coup:
"History is ours, for it is made by the people".

The reverse of the poster (which would have been the front of the programme) is made up of four sections, to be folded together to form a booklet. One of the pages is the front cover, which features a guitar and head with flowing hair - a common image used for Chilean Solidarity -on a green background. Underneath it reads "A Concert for Chile". The other pages give information on the Chile Solidarity Campaigbn, and the band performing - Quilapayun, a Chilean folk band associated with Allende's regime who were luckily out of the country at the time of the Junta. Unable to return, they lived in exile in Europe, and performed at various events to raise awareness of the plight of Chileans under the military dictatorship. The final page gives information on the support act, Roy Bailey.
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