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"Anti-military aid poster" [NMLH.1992.409.12.155]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name

The Chilean People Ask Stop the Subs

Chilean Coup

Poster, "The Chilean People Ask Stop the Sub"

The poster is long, with the bottom half featuring a black background and an image of a Chilean soldier within the outline of a submarine facing the viewer. Above is an image in black on a white background, of a group of Chileans protesting - something that would risk their imprisonment during the Pinochet regime. Below the images reads "The Chilean military Junta: Killed 40,000: Rules by terror; Refuses to pay its debts to Britain; Sends its military to Britain for training; Now the British Government will deliver them two submarines" and "Stop All Military Aid to Chile Now!"

The poster is protesting against military aid - support from one government to another through the provision of weapons, infrastructure or physical support - from Britain to Chile during the military Junta government of Pinochet. The Junta was known to be violating human rights, including conducting torture and imprisonment without trial.
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