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"'British Democracy' Brexit banner" [NMLH.2024.23.5]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name

London, UK, EU

Theresa May, European Parliament, Conservative Party

Brexit Referendum

Various EU leaders holding puppet strings, at the bottom of which are Theresa May and 4 of her cabinet members. The 5 Tory figures hang from their puppet strings as they defecate, urinate and spit on an unfurled scroll that is labelled 'BRITISH DEMOCRACY'.

This banner was created by pro-Brexit protesters who felt the Theresa May government was betraying the UK during the post-Brexit negotiations with the European Union following the UK's Brexit referendum in 2016. Pro-Brexit campaigners opinions about the May government's negotiating style ultimately led to her resignation as Prime Minister in 2019 after her Brexit agreement was voted down three times.
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