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"Alliance For Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) 'We Know Inclusion Works' t-shirt" [NMLH.2024.37]

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'We Know Inclusion Works'

Alliance For Inclusive Education (ALLFIE)

A navy t-shirt with yellow writing. On the front is written 'We know inclusion works'. On the back is the tag line 'what's it all about?' above a yellow circle showing two navy figures - one in a wheelchair, the other standing. Both are holding hands and a banner saying 'Education not segregation'. Below the figures is written 'The Alliance For Inclusive Education.'

ALLFIE campaigns for all disabled children to be 'mainstreamed' in standard schools with non-disabled children, including those with profound learning difficulties, rather than specialist schools for disabled (sometimes known as 'SEN' or 'Special Educational Needs') pupils. They argue that alternative provision is neither fair to disabled children, nor cost effective, and that inclusion of disabled students in mainstream schools benefits both the disabled students and their non-disabled classmates.

ALLFIE was founded in 1990 and is a disabled people led organisation. Much of their campaigning centres around the UN Commission on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)'s Article 24 which outlines disabled students' rights to inclusive education. Both the UNCRPD and ALLFIE note that the UK's segregated education system for disabled people does not comply with Article 24.

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