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"Political print 'McClean's Monthly Sheet Of Caricatures No. 52 & Combination Of The Landlords/Parsons/Labourers'" [NMLH.2011.29.19]

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'McClean's Monthly Sheet of Caraicatures No 52. Combination of the landlords. Consequence of the landlord's combination. Combination of parsons. Consequences of the parsons combination. Combination of labourers. Consequences of the labourers combination.'

Six cartoon panels tell a story about the injustices done to workers who organise collectively:

'Combination of the landlords' and 'Consequences of the landlords combination' show landlords implimenting the Corn Laws, causing the landlords to become rich, and their tenants to starve.
'Combination of parsons' and 'Consequences of the parsons combination' show clergy plotting to increase their wealth through soliciting donations from the common people to build churches, providing the parsons employment and steady wages.
'Combination of labourers' and 'Consequences of the labourers combination' shows workers demanding fair pay and being sentenced by a judge to transportation as punishment for organising together. The judge tells them 'Foolish men, to suppose that you could lawfully communicate or combine!'

The message communicated through comparing these three stories is that workers are held to a different standard than the landowners or clergy, and are punished for attempting to act to advance their cause.

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