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"Tin-Plate Workers' General Union Tramping Card" [NMLH.1990.3.26]

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'Tramping Card of the Tin-Plate Workers' General Union. Salford: C. Sampson, General Printer, 60, Chapel Street. 1868.'

Salford, Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK

C Edwards, Tin-Plate Workers General Union


C. Sampson, General Printer, Salford

A yellowed 'Tramping Card' from the Salford branch of the Tin-Plate Workers' General Union. Below the union name is an illustration of two hands shaking.

This card belonged to a Tin Plate worker from Salford. The card allowed the member to work in other towns and receive help from other tin-plate workers' societies. Tramping had long been the means by which unemployed skilled workers sought work, travelling on foot from town to town. The paid-up member would present his tramping card at a public house, it would be stamped by a union official, and he would receive his dues: food and drink, a bed for the night, and some money to help him on his way.

With this kind of provision, trade unions were like Friendly societies: fraternal, social, and supportive towards their members. The clasped hands on the card cover symbolize the bond of membership, the fraternal handshake. So complete was the financial provision, including in some cases money for emigration to North America and Canada, that these early trade unions were said to represent a small democratic state within a state.
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