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"Capitalist exploitation poster" [NMLH.1994.168.260]

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Capitalist exploitation




A large white poster produced by the Communist Party's education department, between 1960 and 1990. The poster features a cartoon strip of 14 box panels explaining the system of capitalism through a Marxist lens. Text is as follows: "1. The capitalist must make as large a profit as possible in order to survive" featuring an illustration of a man, labelled 'capitalist', eating bread labelled '£'. "2.He must be involved with the production of use values i.e good which people need and want" featuring an illustration of a crowd saying "we need" and "we want". "3. Goods produced for sale in a market economy are called 'commodities'" featuring an illustration of products labelled 'use me' and 'eat me'. "4.The capitalist produces commodities in the production process. This involves the labour power expended by the work force." featuring an illustration of factory workers labelled 'work force'. "5. LABOUR PRODUCES VALUE". "6.The capitalist takes surplus value. He is the owner of the MEANS OF PRODUCTION" featuring an illustration of a small man labelled 'worker' and a larger man labelled 'capitalist', the worker is holding the letter 'V' labelled 'wages' whilst the capitalist holds the letters 'ALUE', labelled 'surplus value'. "7.Ownership enables exploitation to take place" featuring an illustration of a man labelled 'capitalist' saying 'I own'. "8. Labour power is also a commodity. The level of wages is determined in the same way as other commodities." "9.Wages must be lower than value" featuring an illustration of two thermometers, one labelled 'wages' which shows a low temperature and one labelled 'value created' which shows a high temperature. "10.Rate of exploitation equals surplus value / wages." "11. The worker MUST sell his labour power in order to LIVE. Exploitation is hidden by the 'free market'" featuring an illustration of a man labelled 'worker' holding a hammer and sickle and saying 'I have Labour power to sell." "12. To realise profits in money the capitalist must sell what has been produced." featuring an illustration of a man labelled 'capitalist' saying 'buy from me' with a money sign on his chest. "13. Sell! Sell! Sell! Never mind exploitation!" featuring the man from the last panel stood with arms behind his back. "14. Finally: Surplus value - state power + ideology - taxes, senior management, shareholders, landlords" accompanied by illustrations of each category. The words "Capitalist exploitation...." are written in large letters at the bottom of the poster.

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