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"'Peace at the Rainbow's End' CND postcard" [NMLH.2021.115]

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A Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) photograph of a peace camp in Molesworth.

RAF Molesworth (Cambridgeshire) was one of three sites chosen to deploy 64 US Cruise missiles during the Cold War. In 1980, various peace campaigners started building a protest camp on the land, called 'Peace Corner'. In 1985 over 100 people were living there until the camp was evicted by police in April that year. Despite this, the campaign continued with various protestors camping in or around the site. Nuclear missiles were removed from the RAF Molesworth base in 1987 when The United States and The Soviet Union signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, and the camp officially disbanded in 1990, just before the end of the Cold War.

This postcard features a photo of the protest camp at Peace Corner. It was taken in April 1985, just before the eviction of the camp. In the photo, the camp lies in the foreground and a rainbow can be seen in the background. The photo is titled "Peace at the Rainbow's End" and information on the back of the card tells us is was taken by Ian Hartley, a Quaker who lived at the camp during the 1980's. The postcard was printed by The Thought Factory and produced by Stevenage CND.
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