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"Chile solidarity poster" [NMLH.1994.168.470]

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Catalogue Number

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Solidarity with popular unity

Salvador Allende Augusto Pinochet

Chilean coup d'etat


Communist party "solidarity with popular unity" poster, around 1973 A poster made by the Communist Party in solidarity with Chile's socialist Popular Unity (UP) government which was elected into power in 1970, headed by Salvador Allende. The Popular Unity government was overthrown in 1973, in a military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. Left wing activists were detained and arrested across the country, inspiring soliarity campaigns from across the UK, including the Communist Party of Great Britain. This poster uses the colours of the Chilean flag. 'CHILE' is written in bold blue letters at the top of the poster, underneath which is a blue box with a star. Salvador Allende's face is printed within the star. The words "Solidarity with popular unity" are printed in white text on a red background. "Communist party poster is written at the bottom in blue. The poster has a white background. Text on the back reads: D/C Chile Poster October 1973
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