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"Naturally different but equal opportunities poster" [NMLH.2022.11]

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verschil natuurlijk maar wel gelijke kansen


A small yellow poster featuring photographs of five people with different genders and ethnicities. Black and white photographs of vegetables also feature next to these images. Text reads "verschil natuurlijk maar wel gelijke kansen" (English: Naturally different but equal opportunities"

This poster was produced by the Dutch Trade Union Federation (FNV) to promote their access and inclusion campaign, uplifting people from ethnic minority backgrounds in the union. Text in the bottom right corner reads "Nederlands grootse vakeentrale FNV heeft bijna een miljoen leden. Daarme is de FNV de grootste en sterkste organisitie die opkomt voor de balangen van etnische minderheden. De FNV biedt bescherming en rechts- bijstand. Voor betere arbeidsom- standigheden. Voor gelikje kansen op de arbeidsmarkt: De FNV, postbus 8456 1005 AL Amsterdam" (English: The largest trade union in the Netherlands hs almost a million members. This makes the FNV the largets and strongest organisation taking care of the interests of ethnic minorities. The FNV offers protection and assistance for better working conditions and equal opportunities. The FNV PO Box 8456 1005 AL Amsterdam).

The poster was designed by Victor Levie and uses photographs taken by Peter Boersma
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