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"Portugese Communist Party Poster" [NMLH.1994.168.644]

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Catalogue Number

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Portugese Communist Party Poster

Bento António Gonçalves

Estado Novo Regime


Large poster with black and white images, black text, and a red box on the bottom right. Images from newspapers have been printed onto the page, with a paragraph in Portugese on the left hand side. The bottom right of the poster has a timeline in black text, on a red background. The paragraph of Portugese text translates to "Party activity begins to develop. Communists gain positions in numerous places in Lisbon, in other working centers and in the Alentejo. the party holds its congress. but starting is difficult. there is a lack of politically experienced and ideologically prepared cadres, and the connection with the working class is still weak. Republican governments are incapable of solving the problems of the people and the country are increasingly using the repression. The CGT, led by anarchists, is losing ground day by day. The Portugese reaction (encouraged by the rise fo power of Mussoloni in Italy and Primo de rivera in Spain) conspires, organises itself and awaits the opportunity to attempt an assault on power. On the 28th of May, 1926, the military coup of reaction took place. It was the beginning of the dark nightmare that would last 48 years. Many communistd and anarchists are deported. PCP and CGT headquarters are closed. Freedoms are liquidated, censorship is imposed. It is fascism that advances. The PCP did not yet have the experience and the strength that allowed him to face this hard blow. Forbidden and persecuted, he cannot quickly adapt to hiding." The timeline in the red box reads "1923-10/12 November the PCP congress is held. 118 participate delegates. 1925 - OPCP warns against coup. He does proposals for unitary action to the CGT leadership, which, unable to understand the situation, rejects them. 1926-39/30 May II - congress of the PCP, whose holding is interrupted dueto the situation created by the military coup, 1927 - The PCP and CGT headquarters are closed. 1928 - Salazar and appointed Minister of Finance, with power pianos. Successfully sieze all power. Bento Goncalves. trade unionist, who had visited the USSR in 1927 as part of a trade union delegation, joined the portugese communist party." The rest of the poster has images of different communist newspapers and magazines - one of the headlines reads - "this number was endorsed by the commision from censorship." This poster is about the Portugese Communist Party (PCP) and its ban after the coup in 1920, and its presence under tne dictatorial regime of Anonio De Oliveria. During the five decade dictatorship the party was suppressed by the police, many were kidnapped, tortured and killed, and suffered ongoing censor. The poster refers to Bento António Gonçalves - he was the second secretary general of the Portugese Communist Party , and was arrested 1930, and again in 1930 in which he was put on trial for his communist activities.
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