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"Nato Review 'No to Pershing II in Europe' poster" [NMLH.2022.215]

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Nato Review 'No to Pershing II in Europe' poster


Black and white a4 poster. Top of the poster says "NATO REVIEW nos. 3/4 - 1983 - published every two months." Underneath this, there is a large political cartoon. It shows a large walled path, with the walls being missiles, as well as being filled with missiles. The missiles at the front of the path say "SS20" and have legs. There are people outside of the walls. Within the missile path there are two images of banners - the first says "NO TO PERSHING II IN EUROPE" and the second says "JOIN THE PASSIVISTS." Pershing II was a ballistic missile, deployed from 1983-1991. They were heavily used in the cold war, and deployed by NATO and other countries involved in the Cold War. The first Pershing II missiles were deployed in West Germany beginning in late November 1983 and completed in late 1985 with a total of 108 launchers. The deployment of these missiles caused huge protests in Europe and in America, mainly organised by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. The Pershing systems were eliminated after the ratification of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty on 27 May 1988. The images of missiles with legs, at the front of the path say "SS20." This was a Russian Intermediate-range ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead. Its deployment was a major cause of NATO's 'Double-Track Decision', which led to the deployment of more medium-range nuclear weapons in Western Europe.The use of "passivist" is a play on the word pacifist - pacifism is the belief in peace and anti-war/anti-military, and passive connotes inaction and being submissive. This cartoon is potentially mocking pacifists and those who are against the Pershing II missiles, as the Russian missiles are surrounding protestors. The use of passivists, is saying the anti-war, pacifist protestors want to do nothing, and are being submissive towards Russia.
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