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"Avanti!... Poster" [NMLH.2022.133.3.11]

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around 1970

This portfolio collection is 1/4 of a larger collection of fifty posters produced for the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) from 1892 to 1970. This part consists of 12 posters produced for the PSI publication 'Avanti!' (meaning "Forward!" in English) between 1986 and 1905. This poster features an illustration of a woman with a laurel wreath around her head holding up a sword being given to her by a kneelin g man. The sunset can be seen in the distance and the woman is wearing a pink dress. This image is originally from 1906 and also features a paragraph of text that may possibly be a poem, entitled "Avanti!" which aims to get people to subscribe to the newspaper.
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