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"Pietro Nenni portfolio - introduction by Benito Craxi" [NMLH.2022.134.2]

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Pietro Nenni portfolio - introduction by Benito Craxi

Pietro Nenni


This poster is part of a portfolio about Pietro Nenni. This is the second part. This poster is an introduction/piece of text by Benito Craxi. There is a red title, three blocks of text, and the bottom of the poster has the Italian Socialist Party logo. The title of this poster says "pietro nenni continuera' a vivere nella storia del socialismo italiano nella storia della democrazia e della repubblica" - this translates to "pietro nenni will continue to live in the history of Italian socialism in the history of democracy and the republic." The English translation of Craxi's text is as follows: "He was a great old man, firm in his convictions, just in his judgments: from his person emanated a moral authority made of wisdom, of long and troubled experience, of great humanity and goodness. The history of life is closely intertwined with that of the party. On several generations of socialists, despite the troubled alternation of the political affair and the separations that it entailed, he has left a profound mark, exercised the fascination of ancient virtues, aroused a true and noble political passion, gave a lesson in courage and of political realism. his stressful life made up of sacrifices, struggles, total dedication to the cause of freedom and socialism was a sure and constant example. among us he was the living witness of the history and struggles of the workers of almost a century and a protagonist of all the great battles for freedom and the progress of Italian and European life. After the first youth struggles lived by absorbing the values ??of the Risorgimento heritage, comrade Nenni immediately emerged in the limelight of the Socialist Party as an uncompromising defender of its autonomy, its identity and its very existence while the tragedy of the fascist dictatorship. he was a fighting exile on all European fronts where wounded democracy faced the aggressive wave of Nazism and Fascism. I pay in person and with him I pay his family in the long odyssey of militant anti-fascism. Comrade Nenni made a fundamental contribution to the birth and life of the republic, to the battles for the implementation of the constitution, to the social and political struggles that have opened new avenues of progress and civilization in our country and have advanced the workers' movement . He was fiercely supported by the struggles for peace in Europe and in the world as well as by all the causes of human rights and the rights of peoples. He was a farsighted, just and honest man of government. the country and the Italian democracy owe him a lot. the Socialist Party owes him much more. He, who has been the main protagonist in the life of the party at various times, has experienced the troubles and the sometimes bitter development of the disputes and fractional struggles of the socialist movement and of the workers' movement as a whole, always striving to keep alive the sentiment and the value of the unit. Comrade Nenni leaves the Italian socialists a great ideal patrimony which will not be lost and which we will not allow to be sterilized. We will continue. He leaves us neither a doctrine nor a dogma. He leaves us the example of a superior idealism marked by loyalty to a conception of socialism that always wants its accounts in order with freedom, he leaves us the example of a critical spirit striving in the search for truth and justice, he taught the sense of duty towards the community and towards workers as a principle and method of political responsibility, he taught us to take on the responsibilities that affect us in front of the party and in front of the country without retreating or resigning ourselves in front of the inevitable gap - as he said - between the real and the ideal. Pietro Nenni will continue to live in the history of Italian socialism, in the history of democracy and the republic."
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