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"Centre left and exploitation poster" [NMLH.2022.134.26]

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Centro sinistra e strumentalizzazioni

Pietro Nenni


This poster is the 26th in a collection of posters about Pietro Nenni, an Italian socialist politician who was also the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and a lifetime Senator since 1970. This poster is titled "Centre left and exploitation" and features a close up shot of Pietro Nenni. Text to the left side reads: "During the years of the center-left, the PSI had to support a close controversy on various fronts and in particular with the PCI. “In truth, instead of accepting the lesson of the times, the Communists exploited their every attitude. Internally, they engaged us in a bitter and almost fanatical battle on two fronts which has seriously injured the workers and the country. Compared to revisionism they have remained a halfway, or rather, a quarter, a tenth of the way to go. Many among them recognize this and deplore it. But life does not wait for anyone's comforts, it does not wait for our comforts, it does not wait for those of the Communists. Hence the need for everyone to do their part and follow their own path; we ours, the communists theirs, avoiding, at least in this, the tragic mistake of the first post-war period, when they wanted to beat all the roads at the same time and not follow any of them, going blindfolded towards disaster and massacre. The renunciation of the Communists, that miserable mixture of unitary offers and solicitations and support for internal secessions, could greatly influence the character of the civil confrontation requested by us. Moreover, the communists have their troubles in this field, perhaps even greater than ours, and which will grow, taken as they are, between internal ferments and sensational or silent secessions, between an extremist wing that finds in Mao the continuer of orthodoxy third Leninist and Stalinist internationalist and a revisionist and reformist wing which feels suffocated in the old schemes of an aging doctrine and, to a great extent outdated, and which, if it wishes, if it has courage, can have the future for itself ”. On 12 April 1965 he was received in the Vatican by Paul VI, after having been at the UN at the end of February, to bring Italy's accession, in the framework of the year of international cooperation, illustrating the Johannine encyclical "Pacem in terris" " (translated from Italian)
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