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"Divorce Pietro Nenni poster" [NMLH.2022.134.28]

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Divorzio: "Hanno voluto contarsi. Hanno perso."

Pietro Nenni

Italian Divorce Referendum


This poster is the 28th in a collection of posters about Pietro Nenni, an Italian socialist politician who was also the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and a lifetime Senator since 1970. This poster it titled "Divorce: they wanted to count themselves. They lost" and features an image of Nenni giving a speech. Text to the left reads: "In July 1969 he resigned as Party President, after leaving the post of Foreign Minister in the Rumor government. On 25 November 1970 he was appointed senator for life. In 1974, engaged in the battle for the Referendum on Divorce, comments the victory of the NO with clarity and effectiveness 'They wanted to count themselves. Have lost. This is, politically, the fate of DC. The victory of the 'NO' is a great historical fact, which has been positively inscribed in our national life, from a century onwards. It is a win not only of the law on divorce, but of the secular spirit on the confessional one, with consequences that will go far into the time. The result is a reason for us of deep satisfaction. It must become, for everyone, a reason for reflection '. In 1976 the 40th Congress of the PSI took place in Rome, the last one in which Nenni participated in person. In July of the same year, Pietro Nenni was re-elected to Midas as Party President. In December, he returns to Spain later forty years, for the first congress of PSOE after the end of the Franco regime. His last public act, determined by a sense of duty: despite his precarious physical conditions, he presides over the first assembly of the Eighth legislature in the Senate, to prevent it from being presided over by a former republican missino." (translated from Italian)
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