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"The civil war in Spain Pietro Nenni poster" [NMLH.2022.134.9]

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la guerra civil in spagna

Pietro Nenni


This poster is the 9th in a collection of posters about Pietro Nenni, an Italian socialist politician who was also the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and a lifetime Senator since 1970. This poster features an image of Pietro Nenni during the Spanish Civil War with the title "The Civil War in Spain". Black text to the side of the photo reads: ""To want what you want, to do what you do and to do it promptly, you need a fair analysis of the facts in progress that you need to know how to place in the big general picture of the trends in society at a given moment. It is certain that our sentimental, intellectual and political reactions to the civil war in Spain will be completely different depending on whether we consider this civil war as an internal event in the Iberian peninsula or as an episode in the general struggle between socialism and fascism, between Europe and anti-Europe. On the international level, one of the weaknesses of our movement is represented by the tendency to isolate the facts, to consider the details and not the whole. When Fascism won in Italy it was generally believed in a local event, in a southern explosion, in a puff. The Germans said: << Germany is not Italy >>, as later - and alas for a short time! the Austrians said: "Austria is not Germany". Today the French think, even when they don't say it, that France is neither Italy, nor Germany, nor Austria. As for the British or Scandinavians, the idea of ??being able to know - perhaps on a different level - the struggles that we have known does not even touch their brains. The same observation can be made on the level of international politics. Few have understood us, few have listened to us >>." Whilst text at the bottom reads: "In the photo Pietro Nenni in 1936 in Spain as a representative of the Socialist International in the civil war. He is appointed Member of the Madrid Defense Council and Political Commissioner of the Brigades International. In 1937, in view of the XXIII Congress of the PSI sends the report from Madrid preconvention on the politics of the Party which will be published in 'Il Nuovo Avanti' " (translated from Italian)
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