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"Launch the Boycott poster" [NMLH.2022.136]

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Launch the Boycott


A black and white poster reading "LAUNCH THE BOYCOTT / MARCH and RALLY / SUN - 28 - FEB / Marble Arch 1:45pm - Trafalgar Sq. 3:00pm / Father Trevor Huddleston / Hugh Gaitskell M.P / Lord Atrincham / Tennyson Makiwane / Jeremy Thorpe M.P / Mary Stocks / Rita Smythe / Recorded appeal by Chied Luthuli / Boycott South African Goods / MArch 1st - 30th / The Boycott Movement, 293 New Kings Road, London, SW3 - Designed and printed by Mountain & Molehill Ltd." The poster features a design of a black silhouette within which the words "LAUNCH THE BOYCOTT" are printed in white. The rest of the poster is white with black text. There are two holepunched holes on either side of the poster, possibly from where the poster has been displayed previously. The Boycott South African Goods movement originated in the 1960's in order to protest Apartheid in South Africa, a system of institutionalised racial segregation that existed from 1948 until the early 1990's. Many individuals as well as organisations refused to buy products from South Africa during this period as a way to show solidarity with the majority Black population. This poter was printed and designed by Mountain and Molehill, the design partnership of Ken Sprague and Ray Bernard and issued by the Boycott Committee. Writing in pencil on the back reads: "Archive 1960's"
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