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"CODEPU poster" [NMLH.1992.409.12.89]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name

Por La Democracia Y Derechos Del Pueblo: A Impulsar Las Asambleas Y Cabildos Populares (For demicracy and rights of the people: to promote assemblies and popular Cabildos)


Chilean Coup

around 1980

Poster, reading "Por La Democracia Y Derechos Del Pueblo: A Impulsar Las Asambleas Y Cabildos Populares", meaning "For democracy and rights of the people: to promote assemblies and popular Cabildos" (a form of local government in Colonial Spanish America) [translated with Google Translate].

The top third of the poster is coloured a pinkish burgundy, with cream outlines depicting a crowd of people. Beneath is the title, and along the bottom lines in Spanish arguing for the importance of assemblies.

The poster was printed by CODEPU - the Corporacion de Promocion y Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo. They are a non-governmental organisation created in 1980 - during the miliatary dictatorship in Chile - to assist victims of human rights violations.
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