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"El Salvador solidarity poster" [NMLH.1992.409.12.119]

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50 Thousand Massacred Demand Your Solidarity! El Salvador

El Salvador Civil War


Poster, "50 Thousand Massacred Demand Your Solidarity"

Blue poster, featuring a white globe shape, with an image of a woman grieving over three dead men, suggesting victims of a massacre. The title is to the top, and below reads "El Salvador" and "FMLN-FDR"

El Salvador suffered a long civil war from 1979 until 1992, following a coup d'etat, fought between the newly installed junta government (and later a second revolutionary government following a second coup) and the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) - a coalition of left-wing groups who opposed the government. The conflict, and persecution of people by the government forces, saw approximaely 75,000 people killed between 1979 and 1992, and there were widespread human rights abuses of those suspected of sympathising with the FMLN.

This poster was produced by FMLN to raise awareness and support for their insurrection; they were widely supported by Communist states, such as the Soviet Union, East Germany, Nicaragua, and Cuba. This support encouraged the support of the United States of America to support the Salvadoran government, as part of the USA's general interventionist policy in Latin America to combat the rise of left-wing and communist governments.
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