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"Chile democracy celebration poster" [NMLH.1992.409.12.140]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name

Gana la Gente (The people victorious) / Aylwin Presidente (President Aylwin)

Augustus Pinochet; Patricio Aylwin

Chilean Coup; National Plebescite 1988; Chilean transition to democracy


Poster, "Gana La Gente! Aylwin Presidente" (The People Victorious - Aylwin President)

The poster features the title in large letters, with a kite flying in the colours of the Chilean flag. The poster was likely produced following the victory of Patricio Aylwin in the national plebiscite, held in 1988. This vote was a national referendum which would determine whether Pinochet would hold power for a further eight years or not. To great surprise, the "no" campaign won, paving the way for the transformation to democracy following 16 years of dictatorship. That the Junta respected the results of the referendum is supposedly due to pressure from businesses and the international community.

Aylwin ruled as president for four years, between 1990 and 1994, after which he was succeeded by the election of Christian Democrat Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle. During his Presidency, Aylwin and his government worked to reduce poverty within Chile, and established the National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation, which was instrumental in releasing information into the Human Rights abuses and violations of the Pinochet regime.
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