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"Justicia poster" [NMLH.1992.409.13.1]

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Catalogue Number

Object Name


The Disappeared; Pinochet

Chilean Coup

Poster, "Justicia"

Red poster, featuring black and white photographic portraits of 119 'disappeared' political prisoners. Above reads "El regimen militar de Pinochet los detuvo torturo vejo e hizo desaparecer" (The military regime of Pinochet they arrested, tortured and made them disappear). Beneath the images reads "Ciudadanos chilenos mencionados en las listas de los 119 (22 y 24 de julio 1975), detenidos desaparecidos al igual que cientos de compatrotas" (Chilean citizens mentioned in the lists of the 119 (22-24 July 1975), detained-disappeared like hundreds of compatriots).

The poster is informing the viewer of the names and photographs of 119 political prisoners who were imprisoned, tortured and detained by the Pinochet regime. These figures became known as 'the disappeared' as they were not officially arrested; their families were not allowed to know where they were or what their fate was.

The poster is laminated, and has residue of sellotape at the corners, from which is was attached to a wall or similar.
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