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"Which plan" [NMLH.2024.17]

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Which plan



Paddington Printshop was a graphic art and printmaking centre active in west London between 1975 and 1989. The Printshop worked collaboratively with members of local organisations and campaigns to create over 400 poster designs, and thousands of leaflets. The printshop was active in the 70's and 80's, producing posters on a wide range of political issues, including for educational purposes. The group was not-for-profit and used a variety of hand-printing techniques to create their posters. This is a large, screenprinted poster titled, "Which plan would you choose?." This is a very colourful poster, with yellow, blue, green, red and black. The central image shows a person in a suit, wearing a hat, with a face which resembles a claw/crane used to demolish buildings. Behind this figure, there is text reading "home for sale, councils plan, dictatorship,homes for sale." There is yellow diagonal text which says "the people's plan preservation of community, local employement renovation." There are images of building plans, hammers, and generalwoodwork. There is a quote at the bottom of the poster which says, "There are 1,000 homes on the walterton and Elgin estates. Westminster City Council is pursuing a plan which involves the sale and demolition of these homes and eviction of residents. Local people believe that their needs are all important. They have formed the Walterton and Elgin Action Group to promote the people's plan for the area so that the properties can be improved under council ownership. Contact the Walterton and Elgin Action Group (WEAG). On the side of the poster it says "WEAG defends our homes." This was created by John Phillips.
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