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"'Here We Go' London Labour Women Miners' Strike Programme" [NMLH.2024.44.5]

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'Here We Go. Sunday 25 November. Piccadilly Theatre.'

Piccadilly, London

London Labour Women, Piccadilly Theatre, Women Against Pit Closures, National Union of Mineworkers

1984-85 Miners' Strike

A programme cover with a large black and white picture of a crowd of women at a demonstration during the 1984-85 Miners' Strike. Many are holding 'Coal Not Dole' signs. Above the picture is written 'Here We Go'. The o of 'Go' is a Venus/woman symbol. Below the picture is the date, location, and price.

London Labour Women organised 'Here We Go' as a show 'to show women's support for the miners' strike, and to celebrate what the women have done in the strike.' The back of the programme is an advertisement for items sold by Women Against Pit Closures and Miners Wives Support Groups to benefit strike funds, showing some of the ways in which women from mining communities raised funds to feed and clothe their communities while they were being denied access to public funds by the government.

The 1984-85 Miners' Strike was called following the Conservative government's announcement that 20 collieries would be closed, and twenty thousand miners would lose their jobs. The closures of pits would mean the loss of the main source of employment in many communities. Strikers families were prevented from drawing on public welfare by the government, and many fell into financial hardship that was only eased through public support of strike funds. Police intimidation and violence against pickets and strikers was rampant, with over eleven thousand strikers arrested during the strike.

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