A five week learning experience from the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) in association with People’s History Museum (PHM), funded by the Wellcome Trust.
Join a study of the science, history and politics of catastrophic climate change, the rebel movements fighting to save our planet, and the plight of climate refugees.
Scientists and environmentalists have shown the dangers we face if carbon emissions are not drastically reduced. Reports warn that what is done in the next 12 years is critical if we are to reduce the temperature on the planet. Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion, and the Youth4Climate global strikers are leading a growing world wide environmental movement; ‘The seas are rising and so are we’ is their slogan.
A popular demand is for ‘system change not climate change.’ What does this mean? What are the corporate and civic responses to the climate emergency? Do people really have the power to create an alternative future? What is the Anthropocene? Why are we addicted to plastic? Where have all the insects gone? Should we all go vegan? Can emissions be stopped in time?
Led by WEA tutor Mark Krantz, each session will involve a presentation of material followed by an interactive discussion exploring such questions as those above. The course will also include guest speakers and a visit to PHM’s Labour History Archive & Study Centre.
Suitable for 19+