Dyeing goes under the spotlight in the Conservation Studio where Conservation Officer Beth Gillions will be giving a talk on the history of dyes and dyeing as part of Heritage Open Days. She’ll begin with early evidences from thousands of years ago and move to the synthetic chemical dyes in the 1800s, reflecting on how all of this influences the approaches taken by conservationists in dyeing. Many of the developments are hidden histories, because the techniques were developed by working class people whose stories weren’t recorded and can only be deduced from research and scientific testing. Two names that have made their way through the history books are Gianventura Rossetti (for being the first professional dyeing publication) and William Henry Perkin (for his discovery of mauvine commonly known as Perkins Purple).
Suitable for ages 11+ (under 18s must have an accompanying adult).
Following this bookable talk there is also a drop in session – ‘Historical dyeing vs modern conservation dyeing‘. Find out more here.