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Learning resources | Migration

Rethink what you know about migration, explore the reasons why people have moved to the UK and celebrate their contributions to society.

Image of Why people migrate, still from animation. Image courtesy of People's History Museum

Why people migrate

Why people migrate, still from animation. Image courtesy of People's History Museum

Explore some of the lived experiences of people who have migrated to the UK.

This animation contains descriptions of traumatic migration experiences that some visitors may find distressing. Stories covered include experiences of modern day slavery, seeking asylum on the basis of sexuality, and lived experience of a refugee camp and the resettlement process.

Produced by Hungry Sandwich Club.

Suitable for Key Stage 2+ (ages 7+)

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A refugee's story

A Refugee's Story, still from animation. Image courtesy of People's History Museum

Explore the story of one woman’s experience becoming a refugee in the UK.

This animation contains details of the lived experience of malaria, refugee camps and the resettlement process.

Produced by Hungry Sandwich Club.

Suitable for Key Stage 2+ (ages 7+)

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A story of modern slavery

Still from A story of modern day slavery animation, Migration a human story at People's History Museum. Image (c) Hungry Sandwich

Listen to the story of one woman’s experience of modern slavery in the UK.

This animation contains experiences of modern day slavery, which some viewers may find distressing.

Produced by Hungry Sandwich Club.

With thanks to Hope for Justice. Find out more about their mission to end Modern Slavery on their website:

Suitable for Key Stage 2+ (ages 7+)

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Melina's story

Melina's story, still from animation. Image courtesy of People's History Museum

Meet Melina, who sought asylum in the UK due to facing discrimination based on her sexuality.

This animation contains details of the experience of seeking asylum on the basis of sexuality.

Produced by Hungry Sandwich Club.

Suitable for Key Stage 2+ (ages 7+)

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