The majority of banners on display at PHM change annually, revamping a quarter of the museum’s main galleries. Each of the two main galleries is closed for one week to allow for the changeover to take place. Visit 2019’s selection of historic and contemporary banners – some on public display for the first time, all specially conserved by the museum’s expert Conservation Team.
2019’s banner display has been carefully curated to reflect key moments of protest in Greater Manchester and across Britain, representing a mix of creatively disobedient ideas and actions along the road to democratic reform, from the Peterloo Massacre in Manchester in 1819 to today.
These are banners that have been a part of, and have witnessed, a range of different protest campaigns. Their diverse images, vivid colours and powerful words give life to campaigns in a unique way, with visitors able to explore the stories they reveal throughout the museum’s galleries.
Family Friendly display, suitable for all ages
T&G.W.U Agriculture banner, 1980s
GCHQ banner, 1992
T&G.W.U Sainsbury’s North West banner, 1980s
National Union of Railway Men (NUR), Smithfield Branch banner, 1920s
Hyde Socialist Sunday School banner, 1930s
Cadets of Temperance, Manchester Branch banner, 1930s
Carshalton Left Book Club banner, 1930s
Central Labour College banner, 1912
Ilford W.S.P.U banner, 1903
Great Britain Labour Party League of Youth banner, 1938
Kensington Young Communists Say Jobs not Bombs banner, 1980s
Raise Higher the Red Banners of Class Struggle! banner, 1920s
Printers Demand Arms for Spain banner, 1936
Peoples March for Jobs banner, 1983
Camden Labour Briefing banner, 1980s
Withington Against the Poll Tax banner, 1990
Nothing About Us Without Us banner, 2015
Queer Resistance Against the Cuts banner, 2008
Greater Manchester Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) banner, 1980s
Grunwick Strike Committee, Defend the Right to Strike banner, 1976
Men’s Co-operative Guild banner, Hove Branch, date unknown
Which Tomorrow? banner, 1996
Globalise Resistance Manchester banner, 2000s
Ipswich Dockers Union banner, 1890s
Dockers Union Export Branch banner, 1890s
Amalgamated Society of Watermen & Lightermen, Greenwich Branch No 13. Cardinal Manning Lodge banner, 1890s
Part of PHM’s year long programme exploring the past, present and future of protest, marking 200 years since the Peterloo Massacre; a major event in Manchester’s history, and a defining moment for Britain’s democracy.