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People's History Museum blog

PHM is the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future.

On this blog we share posts from the PHM team and other experts, with behind the scenes stories, coverage of PHM's exhibitions and events, and highlights from the museum's unique collection.

Posts tagged 'Posters'

Image of Lisa Peatfield, Collections Manager at People's History Museum

From the collection: general election

5 June 2024

A look at incredible objects from general elections in PHM’s collection with PHM’s Collections Manager Lisa Peatfield.

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Image of Image taken by photographer Jake Hardy, who attended the Black Lives Matter protests in Manchester during May and June 2020. People’s History Museum’s contemporary collection © Jake Hardy

The raised fist: a history of the symbol

4 September 2023

Art historian Simon Faulkner considers the history and meanings of the raised fist symbol using examples that include posters and photographs from People’s History Museum’s collection.

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Image of Young Communist League London District Solidarity with Chile banner, around 1974. Image courtesy of People's History Museum.

Chile Solidarity Campaign in Britain

31 August 2023

2023 marks 50 years since the Chilean military coup of 1973, during which time democratically elected socialist leader President Salvador Allende was killed.  The coup led to international outcry.  In the aftermath, individuals and organisations around the UK rallied to Chile’s aid.  Campaigners demanded human rights for the people of Chile, protesting the violent repression of the country’s dictator General Augusto Pinochet.

Carole Concha Bell is a PhD student at King’s College London and freelance writer.  She arrived in the UK with her family as a child refugee fleeing the Pinochet regime in 1975, and is a founding member of the Chile Solidarity Network and press officer for Mapuche International Link.  In this blog, she reflects on the Chile Solidarity Campaign (CSC) that emerged in Britain.

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Image of Fempress poster, by Pescina, around 1980s

International Women’s Day: posters for female liberation

8 March 2023

In celebration of International Women’s Day 2023, People’s History Museum’s Collections Officer Shivaya Prasad selects campaign materials for women’s rights from our collection of almost three thousand posters. These distinctive posters use bold slogans and illustrations to campaign for issues such as female liberation and bodily autonomy.

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Image of Against Racism, Against Apartheid, around 1970

Black People’s Resistance Movements in PHM’s Poster Collection

3 October 2022

In this blog, PHM’s Collections Assistants Shivaya Prasad and Kayleigh Crawford are sharing some poster highlights as part of Black History Month 2022. These posters cover apartheid boycotts, solidarity with Angela Davis during her unjust trial, and a day of action protesting the government response to the New Cross Massacre.

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