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Conservation services

PHM's Conservation Team provides a service of professional conservation for other museums, communities, unions and private collections.

Image of Conservation service at People's History Museum

We offer conservation treatments of textiles of all types and sizes and we particularly specialise in large flat textiles such as trade union banners, religious textiles, flags and quilts.

We treat needlework, samplers, costume and accessories, military, Masonic and friendly society objects.  These cover a diverse range of methods from painted, printed, woven and knitted, embroideries, and textiles of modern materials.

We also offer mounting for display of flat textiles as well as costume, on-site work in historic interiors and consultancy work; offering advice on preventive care including storage projects, insect pest management and surveys.

View some examples from our portfolio of completed conservation projects.

If you would like to request a quote for conservation please contact the Conservation Team on 0161 838 9190.


The Conservation Studio at People's History Museum


The Conservation Studio has been designed specifically for the conservation of textiles of any size between 4 cm square to 4 metres square.  The flexibility of the space means we often accommodate large flat textiles such as trade union banners, religious textiles, flags, furnishing fabrics and other domestic textiles.

The Studio offers facilities including solvent extraction, wet cleaning floor, flexible work tables, separate dye lab and a Studio hoist for photographing and checking textiles after treatment.

We have a mechanical hoist which allows us to safely transport rolled textiles up to 4.8 metres long in and out of the building.

The Studio is environmentally controlled, as is the secure object store which is housed within the space.

If you would like to request a quote for conservation please contact the Conservation Team on 0161 838 9190


Rates & estimates

The estimates that we provide for conservation treatments are based on an hourly rate of £50.00

If the item can be bought into the Studio then this estimate is free of charge.  Otherwise the cost will be calculated hourly, plus travel expenses.

Day rates for other forms of inspection and for training days will be based on details specified by the client, and we are happy to discuss these options with you.

If you would like to request a quote for conservation please contact the Conservation Team on 0161 838 9190.

Conservation services at People's History MuseumPortfolio

We have worked on projects nationwide; for other museums, corporate clients, trusts, charities and individuals.

If you would like to request a quote for conservation please contact the Conservation Team on 0161 838 9190.

View some examples from our portfolio of completed conservation projects.


Downham Benevolent Society banner

see more

Mrs Sutcliffe’s wedding dress

see more

Wrexham Veteran Association Standards

see more

Marx Memorial Library banners

see more
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