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People's History Museum blog

PHM is the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future.

On this blog we share posts from the PHM team and other experts, with behind the scenes stories, coverage of PHM's exhibitions and events, and highlights from the museum's unique collection.

Posts tagged 'Archives'

Image of Left to right Bangladesh Youth Front poster, 1984, Pakistani Students Movement Disco poster, around 1980, copyright holder unknown.

Journeys of Empire: partition, protest and anti-imperialism in PHM’s collection

15 August 2022

The theme of South Asian Heritage Month 2022 is ‘Journeys of Empire’. This year, it coincides with the 75th anniversary of the partition of India. PHM’s Collections Assistant Shivaya Prasad explores protests, campaigns and movements amongst the South Asian diaspora, through our archive and collection.

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Image of Professor Alice Roberts with Manchester suffragette banner at People's History Museum

The Manchester suffragette banner: Mancunian pride, mystery and celebrity!

20 June 2022

People’s History Museum’s (PHM) Head of Collections & Engagement Jenny Mabbott tells us about the very special suffragette banner in the museum’s collection that appeared in Industrial Revolution Manchester, the final episode of Channel 4 show Britain’s Most Historic Towns, with Professor Alice Roberts.

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Image of A Garland for May, 1895, Walter Crane. Front page of The Clarion. Image courtesy of People's History Museum

May Day: A People’s Holiday

1 May 2022

The history of the early May Day Bank Holiday, investigated by People’s History Museum researcher Dr Shirin Hirsch.

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Image of People’s History Museum’s (PHM) Community Programme Team Jo Yee Cheung

Migration: a human story

28 September 2021

Migration: a human story is now open at the museum until April 2022. In this blog, People’s History Museum’s (PHM) Community Programme Team Jo Yee Cheung talks about the museum’s migration project and the new series of related interventions which inject strong contemporary issues into the heart of the main galleries.

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Image of Left to right Help Spain poster, 1937. Image courtesy of People's History Museum and Sam Jenkins, PHM's former Collections Manager

The Spanish Civil War: This far and no further

17 July 2021

In this blog about the Spanish Civil War, PHM’s former Collections Manager Sam Jenkins shares an insight into the events surrounding the bloodiest conflict seen in Europe since the end of World War I, and some of the stories that are told through the museum’s collection.

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