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People's History Museum blog

PHM is the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future.

On this blog we share posts from the PHM team and other experts, with behind the scenes stories, coverage of PHM's exhibitions and events, and highlights from the museum's unique collection.

Posts tagged 'Trade unions'

Image of Clockwise from top left: The poetical works of Lord Byron (inside cover), owned by William Cuffay © People's History Museum; Black Air Raid Precautions volunteer print by Cliff Rowe, around 1940 © People's History Museum; Michael Foot's coat, 1981 © People's History Museum; Lithograph portrait of William Cuffay © National Portrait Gallery, London; The Belle-alliance or the Female Reformers of Blackburn!!! print, 1819 © People's History Museum

2020 Reader Favourites

8 January 2021

For the first People’s History Museum blog post of this year, we take a look back at your favourite reads from last year.

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Image of Matchmakers of the Bryant & May factory, around 1888 courtesy of Peoples History Museum

The Match Girls’ Strike

5 July 2020

The great granddaughter of Sarah Chapman, one of the leaders of the 1888 Match Girls’ Strike, details the strike and uncovers a very personal story.

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Image of Black Air Raid Precautions volunteer print by Cliff Rowe, around 1940 © People's History Museum

From ‘unskilled’ to ‘essential’: histories of migrant workers in PHM’s collection

17 June 2020

People’s History Museum’s Researcher Dr Shirin Hirsch takes a closer look at the history of migrant workers documented in the museum’s collection.

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Image of Grunwick strike poster, 1977 © Dan Jones

Going back to Grunwick

10 June 2020

PHM’s Programme Officer, Zofia Kufeldt puts the spotlight on a Grunwick strike poster from 1977.

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Image of Left to right - 14th century locksmith, anonymous, Hausbuch der Mendelschen Zwölfbrüderstiftung, Band 1 Nürnberg 1426–1549 Stadtbibliothek, TGWU banner, early 1980s and and Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg and Shoemakers, 1568 © Das Ständebuch (The Book of Trades)

The trade unions of the Middle Ages

5 February 2020

Dr Claire Kennan, from the Department of History at Royal Holloway, University of London reveals the influence of unions stretching back to the Middle Ages.

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