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People's History Museum blog

PHM is the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future.

On this blog we share posts from the PHM team and other experts, with behind the scenes stories, coverage of PHM's exhibitions and events, and highlights from the museum's unique collection.

Posts tagged 'Working class'

Image of Matchmakers of the Bryant & May factory, around 1888 courtesy of Peoples History Museum

The Match Girls’ Strike

5 July 2020

The great granddaughter of Sarah Chapman, one of the leaders of the 1888 Match Girls’ Strike, details the strike and uncovers a very personal story.

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Image of Black Air Raid Precautions volunteer print by Cliff Rowe, around 1940 © People's History Museum

From ‘unskilled’ to ‘essential’: histories of migrant workers in PHM’s collection

17 June 2020

People’s History Museum’s Researcher Dr Shirin Hirsch takes a closer look at the history of migrant workers documented in the museum’s collection.

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Image of Lithograph portrait of William Cuffay © National Portrait Gallery, London

William Cuffay, Black Chartism and a treasured object

10 April 2020

On the anniversary of the 1848 Chartist mass meeting on Kennington Common, London, People’s History Museum’s (PHM) Researcher Dr Shirin Hirsch explores the life of PHM Radical William Cuffay – a ‘scion’ of Africa’s oppressed race – and reveals a precious, rare and poetic treasure of Cuffay’s from the museum’s collection.

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Image of The Case for a Legal Minimum Wage, The Fabian Society pamphlet, April 1908 @ People's History Museum

The first National Minimum Wage

1 April 2019

The first National Minimum Wage (NMW) was introduced on 1 April 1999, the rate was £3.60 per hour (£3 for 18 to 21 year olds).  Here Darren Treadwell, Archive Officer at People’s History Museum (PHM) shares memories from his first job in 1981.

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Image of The Jam, Sound Affects album 1980. Front cover of record sleeve

From Paul Weller to Peterloo

1 March 2019

To complement the display of a first edition of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s The Masque of Anarchy from Friday 1 March until the end of April 2019, we invited Dr Michael Sanders, Senior Lecturer in 19th century writing at the University of Manchester to share his insight into Shelley’s protest poem.

In his blog Michael reveals his first encounter with the poem on a record sleeve.

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